Cornerstone History

  • In 1990, the Mountaintown Baptist Association bought the property at 1044 Cherry Log Street in Cherry Log, with the dream of starting a church. Five years later, Holloway, a bi-vocational minister volunteered to lead the church, and within 3 years a first unit building was constructed with sanctuary, two classrooms and a kitchen.
  • In 2000, Dr. Paul Mims became the new pastor after he and his wife, Janice retired in 1998 to Cherry Log. A $48,000 building debt was paid off and a new two story educational building was built with volunteer labor from First Baptist Church of Blairsville. The new building debt of $122,000 was paid off within 5 years.
  • On June 5, 2011, lightning struck the church facility and it burned to the ground. The church family met in other churches temporarily and grew stronger, waiting for the completion of a new facility. The church had good insurance and within months the Sisson Company of Blue Ridge began construction on the new state-of-the-art facility, which was completed within the year.
  • The church continued to grow with full age graded programming, summer programs, missions programs and many ministries, including an MS Support Group and a vibrant home school network meeting on campus.
  • On April 28, 2019, Dr. Paul Mims retired as Pastor, just short of 20 years of noble service.
  • May 1, 2019, Dr. David Drake was called as the interim pastor, a position of counsel and inspiration he held faithfully for almost a year.
  • In April of 2020, Gordon Lawrence was called as pastor of the church. He crossed over into Glory from Covid in mid 2021 and Claude Mathis, retired associational minister, filled the pulpit during a new pastor search.
  • On December 1, 2021, the church called Pastor Michael McCormack as the new pastor.